Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Birth Story

I am SO sad that it has taken me this long to update our blog. I know everyone has seen plenty of pictures on FB, so I don't feel too guilty. I wanted to write this story so we can remember it and hopefully have it be part of Cate's baby book.

Scott and I left for Kennestone Hospital on Sunday, May 1st at 5:30. We checked in for them to administer Cervadil in anticipation of my induction the next day. Neither one of us got much sleep that night. In the morning, I woke up and was given 45 minutes to take a shower. Around 9:00, they began the Petocin and my doctor broke my water at 10:00. Having my water broken was very painful. Scott had told me he was going to "hang in the background", but when I needed him he was right there. Dr. Pitcher looked me in the eye, told me what she needed me to do, and I did it just because I was able to focus on Scott. Within an hour, my contractions were really strong and hurting very badly. I went ahead and asked for my epidural. Again, Scott was there to hold my hand and make me feel better.

All day Monday, I labored, going from 1 to 6 fairly routinely. Mom and Cathy were in and out, and Scott and I read and played a lot of Gin Rummy. He is VERY good, by the way. Something new I found out about my hubby after all of these years. That night, I was still progressing, but it had slowed. Again, I did not get much sleep because I had an internal monitor, a catheter, and an epidural. Very uncomfortable. My epidural also had a spot where it kept wearing off, so they anesthesia people had to come in throughout the night to adjust it.

At 5:30 am on Tuesday, I woke up to see my doctor at my bed. She explained to me that I had been at 8 cenimeters for several hours, and that Cate's head was still wedged between my hip and my kidney. After 22 hours of labor, she said the words I was dreading, "C Section". After that, it was like a crazy whirlwind. I was crying, and there were about 8 people in my room doing various things: paperwork, anesthesia, vitals, prepping me, etc. On the way down to the operating room I told them I didn't feel well, and by the time the words came out I had thrown up all over my bed. I guess sterilization is not like the movies, because they just wiped it off with a towel and kept going.

Once I got in the operating room, I could see Scott through a window while they prepped me. I just kept asking, "When can my husband come in?" Over and over through tears. Finally he came in (I am sure it was just a couple of minutes) and they started. My epidural was supposed to only let me feel "pressure", which it did. My doctor told me I would feel better when she got the baby out, but it didn't. Apparently, I had been given so much petocin that my body would not stop contracting, which was interfering with her sewing me up. I remember them telling me she was out, and asking if she was okay, and that's all. I did not get to hear her first cry, or see her until after the rest of the family. They fully sedated me to finish the surgery and kicked Scott out of the room. They sent him back to our room with the baby, all alone :( Luckily, when he got back mom and Cathy were there to sit with him. Cate had her eyes wide open and followed Scott's voice wherever he was in the room. Already my little girl was in love with her daddy.

When I woke up in recovery, all I wanted to do was drink some water. I kept asking if my baby was okay and why couldn't I see her? I think I was too groggy and they were waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. But I bet I asked them 50 times in 45 minutes where she was. Everytime I heard the door to the room open, I was hoping it was Scott and Cate. Finally, he wheeled her around the curtain. The nurse immediately unwrapped her and put her on my chest for some "skin to skin" time. I was still a little groggy, but all I could tell Scott is, "She is so beautiful". She laid on my chest with her eyes wide open, and we just looked at each other. The sweetest moment of my life.

Catherine Allen Robbins was here! Born at 6:09 am weighing 6 lbs, 7 oz and a height of 19 inches.

After surgery, we had to spend 3 more days in the hospital. I could not breastfeed Cate for 24 hours after the surgery, and then the next morning I had to have a kidney scan to make sure my doctor had not nicked my ureter. But, Cate did great and has from then on never had a problem going from bottle to breast.

We had so many visitors, I cannot thank everyone enough. We felt so blessed with your love for us and for Cate. Also, I have to say how WONDERFUL the nurses and nurse techs at Kennestone were. They made our stay so comfortable and really gave us the confidence we needed as first time parents. We came home on Friday, May 6th. Here are a few pictures:

On our way to the hospital on Sunday, May 1st.

In the hospital. I'm pretty sure this is early on, but after the epidural. I know this because I am smiling :)

Scott getting ready for my surgery. He looks pretty cute in scrubs, huh?

Scott holding his baby girl for the first time.

Catherine Allen Robbins.

Mommy and Cate the day before we came home.

Getting her hearing test. She did great :)

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