Wednesday, March 30, 2011

34 Week Appointment

I had my 34 week appointment on Monday. All is well! The doctor told me I was "doing beautifully". Weight gain is good, blood sugar is good, Cate is measuring well, etc. I have officially graduated to "old lady shoes" in that I am going to be wearing tennis shoes to work everyday. Dr. Pitcher said this would take the shock out of my step and allow for my ligaments to be less sore. My next appointment is Friday, April 8th. After that I go every week! I am sleeping well, but am very tired at the end of the day. I feel like my appetite has grown as much as my belly. I can definitely put away more food than I ever have. It is a sharp contrast to the "bird bites" I called meals during the 1st and 2nd trimester. I love feeling her move around, and it is now obvious when she does, because my whole body moves and my clothes go jumping! Scott and I have a goal to get the nursery completed next week while I am on Spring Break. It is going to take awhile to unpack all of the incredible gifts we have been blessed with this past month. We are also watching our birthing class DVD which is SO helpful (even if it is from 1982)! We are taking a breastfeeding class and doing some last minute shopping next week. Our goal is to be as ready as possible by 38 weeks. I cannot believe she is coming so soon. We cannot wait to meet our sweet daughter!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! Can not wait! Isnt being pregnant so much fun! Such a blessing God gave us women to be able to grow life! Love seeing your updates! Love you both! And Baby Cate already!
